
Try the twister. It’s twisting and turning in every dimension.

Twister 3-d paper craft

Project Info

Paper required: one sheet 8.5 x 11 inch (or A4)

Finished Project size: 4.5 inches (11 cm)

Difficulty level: Intermediate




Print the Twister pattern onto the paper of your choice.

Read the pattern key included in the General Instructions.


Step 2

Cut out the four pattern pieces by cutting on the black lines around the edge of each pattern piece. In the example shown, the outside of the paper was splatter painted after Step 1. (Have you ever tried splatter painting, it’s fun, suggest you give it a try.)


Photo 1. Inside of Pattern after Step 2


Photo 2. Outside of Pattern after Step 2



On each pattern piece, temporarily fold all five interior lines through the diamonds as mountain folds (both red and green lines). At each temporary fold, cut out the diamond on the black lines while the paper is folded.


Photo 3. Inside of Pattern after Step 3


Photo 4. Outside of Pattern after Step 3


Step 4

On each pattern piece, now fold on all red and green lines in the normal way. Red lines are mountain folds and green lines are valley folds.


Photo 5. Two Pattern Pieces after Step 4


Step 5

On each of the four pattern pieces, glue the two Glue Flap A’s to the two Glue Flap B’s; and the two Glue Flap C’s to the two Glue Flap D’s.

Photo 6. Two Pattern Pieces after Step 5


Step 6

Next connect two of the pattern pieces together. Do this by gluing the two Glue Flap E’s on the first part to the two Glue Flap G’s on the second part, and the two Glue Flap G’s on the first part to the two Glue Flap E’s on the second part. Connect the third and fourth pieces together in the same way.

Photo 7. Project after Step 6, View 1

Photo 8. Project after Step 6, View 2


Step 7

Complete the project by connecting the assembled halves. Do this by gluing the four Glue Flap H’s on the first half to the four Glue Flap H’s on the second half; and by gluing the four Glue Flap F’s on the first half to the four Glue Flap F’s on the second half.


Photo 9. Completed Twister Project, View 1

Photo 10. Completed Twister Project, View 2


Photo 11. Completed Twister Project, View 3



Here is another example of the Twister project.

Photo 12. Completed Twister Project, View 1

Photo 13. Completed Twister Project, View 2


Photo 14. Completed Twister Project, View 3