Star Coral

Make this star from under the sea. Looks like a piece of coral to me.

Star Coral 3-d paper craft

Project Info

Paper required: One sheet 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch (or A4)

Finished Project size: 3 1/2 inches (9 cm)

Difficulty Level: Intermediate




Print the Star Coral pattern onto the paper of your choice.

Read the pattern key included in the General Instructions.


Step 2

Cut out the five pattern pieces by cutting on all black lines, including the curved black lines within each triangle that lead to the red line. The inside of the paper is also visible on this project, so i painted the inside of the paper pink before Step 2.


Photo 1. Inside and Outside of Pattern after Step 2



Fold patterns on all red and green lines. Green lines are valley folds and red lines are mountain folds.


Photo 2. Outside of Pattern after Step 3


Photo 3. Inside of Pattern after Step 3


Step 4

Connect the first two pieces together by gluing the two Flap A’s on one piece to the two Flap B’s on the second piece.


Photo 4. Outside of Project after Step 4


Photo 5. Inside of Project after Step 4


Step 5

Connect the third piece to the project by gluing the two Flap A’s on the second piece to the two Flap B’s on the third piece.


Photo 6. Outside of Project after Step 5


Photo 7. Inside of Project after Step 5


Step 6

Connect the fourth and fifth pieces to the project by gluing the two Flap A’s on the third piece to the two Flap B’s on the fourth piece; then the two Flap A’s on the fourth piece to the two Flap B’s on the fifth piece; and finally the two Flaps A’s on the fifth piece back to the two Flap B’s on the first piece, forming a pentagon shape as shown in Photo 8.


Photo 8. Project after Step 6. All Five Parts Connected


Step 7

Close the top and bottom of the pentagon shape to make an icosahedron. Do this by gluing the two small Glue Flaps C on each part to the neighboring two small Glue Flaps M, and gluing the two small Glue Flaps D on each part to the neighboring two small Glue Flaps N.


Photo 9. Project after Step 7


Step 8

Connect the “folded arms” on the top and bottom of the icosahedron by gluing each Glue Flap J to the Glue Flap E on the adjacent part; and by gluing each Glue Flap K to the Glue Flap F on the adjacent part as shown on Photo 10.


Photo 10. Project after Step 8


Step 9

Connect the “unfolded arms” on the sides of the icosahedron to each other by gluing each Glue Flap G to the adjacent Glue Flap H. The project is complete !


Photo 11. Completed Star Coral


Photo 12. Complete Star Coral, Another View



Photo 13. Completed Star Coral, Second Example

Photo 14. Complete Star Coral, Third Example