Octahedron Implosion

This octahedron implodes with perfect symmetry to reveal eight Mercedes stars .

octahedron implosion paper craft

Project Info

Paper required: One sheet 8.5 x 11 inch (or A4)

Finished Project size: 2.75 inches (7 cm)

Difficulty Level: beginner




Print the Octahedron Implosion pattern onto the paper of your choice.

Read the pattern key included in the General Instructions.


Step 2

Cut on the black lines around the edge of the pattern and the black lines that start between the flaps and extend into the triangles.


Photo 1. Inside of Pattern After Step 2


Photo 2. Outside of Pattern After Step 2



Fold red lines as mountain folds. While folded cut the interior black lines that cross each red line.


Photo 3. Inside of Pattern After Step 3


Photo 4. Outside of Pattern After Step 3


Step 4

Fold all green lines as valley folds.


Photo 5. Inside of Pattern After Step 4


Photo 6. Outside of Pattern After Step 4


Step 5

Glue Flap A to the other Flap A, Flap B to the other Flap B, Flap C to the other Flap C, and Flap D to the other Flap D.


Photo 7. Inside of Project After Step 5


Photo 8. Outside of Project After Step 5


Step 6

Complete the Octahedron Implosion by gluing Flap E to the other Flap E, Flap F to the other Flap F, Flap G to the other Flap G, Flap H to the other Flap H, Flap I to the other Flap I, and finally Flap J to the other Flap J.


Photo 9. Completed Octahedron Implosion


Photo 10. Completed Octahedron Implosion, Another View


ANother Example

Here is another example.

Photo 11. Completed Octahedron Implosion, Another Example

Photo 12. Completed Octahedron Implosion, Another Example