ICY Comet

I see the rhombic dodecahedron in this comet, do you?

icy comet paper craft

Project Info

Paper required: two sheets 8.5 x 11 inches (or A4)

Finished Project size: 4.5 inches (11 cm)

Difficulty Level: intermediate




Print the pattern onto the Icy Comet pattern onto the two matching paper sheets of your choice.

Read the pattern key included in the General Instructions.


Step 2

Cut out the twelve identical pattern pieces by cutting on the black lines around the edge of each piece.


Photo 1. Inside of Pattern Piece after Step 2


Photo 2. Outside of Pattern Piece after Step 2



On each pattern piece, fold all green lines as valley folds and all red lines as mountain folds.


Photo 3. Inside of Pattern Piece after Step 3


Photo 4. Outside of Pattern Piece after Step 3


Step 4

On each of the twelve pattern pieces, glue Flap A to the other Flap A and Flap B to the other Flap B.


Photo 5. Two Pattern Pieces after Step 4


Step 5

Next connect four of the parts into a module. The arrangement of the flaps to be connected on the four parts is shown in Photo 6. Start by gluing a Flap C on the first part to a Flap D on the second part. Next glue a Flap C on the third part to the remaining Flap D on the second part. Then glue a Flap D on the fourth part to the remaining Flap C on the third part. Finally glue the remaining Flap D on the fourth part to the remaining Flap C on the first part. Make a second four-part module in the same way.


Photo 6. Arrangement of Flaps to be Connected in Step 5


Photo 7. Inside of Module after Step 5


Photo 8. Outside of Module after Step 5


Step 6

Next connect the two four-part modules together using each of the four remaining pieces as interconnecting pieces. For each interconnecting piece, glue a Flap C to a Flap D on the first module and the other Flap C to a Flap D on the second module. On the same interconnecting piece, glue a Flap D to a Flap C on the first module and the other Flap D to a Flap C on the second module. Continue in the same way with the other three interconnecting pieces until the icy comet is closed and complete.


Photo 9. Two Modules (left and right side of photo) Connected with One Interconnecting Piece (bottom of photo)


Photo 10. Two Modules Connected with Two Interconnecting Pieces (and two remaining)


Photo 11. Completed Icy Comet


Photo 12. Completed Icy Comet, Another View


More Examples

Two more example of Icy Comet projects.


Photo 13. Second Example of Completed Icy Comet - View 1


Photo 14. Second Example of Completed Icy Comet - View 2


Photo 15. Third Example of Completed Icy Comet - View 1

Photo 16. Third Example of Completed Icy Comet - View 2