Dodecahedron Pi

Try a piece of Dodecaherdon Pi. Great on Pi Day or any day you are hungry for Pi.

dodecahedron pi paper craft project

Project Info

Paper required: one sheet 8.5 x 11 inch (or A4)

Finished Project size: 2.75 inches (7 cm)

Difficulty Level: Beginner




Print the Dodecahedron Pi pattern onto the paper of your choice. The front and back sides of the paper will be visible in this project.

Read the pattern key included in the General Instructions.


Step 2

Cut out the pattern by cutting on all black lines.


Photo 1. Inside of Pattern after Step 2


Photo 2. Outside of Pattern after Step 2



Fold all green lines as valley folds.


Photo 3. Inside of Pattern after Step 3


Photo 4. Outside of Pattern after Step 3


Step 4

Glue Flap A to the other Flap A, Flap B to the other Flap B, Flap C to the other Flap C, Flap D to the other Flap D, Flap E to the other Flap E, and Flap F to the other Flap F.


Photo 5. Project after Step 4


Step 5

Glue Flap G to the other Flap G, Flap H to the other Flap H, Flap J to the other Flap J, Flap K to the other Flap K, Flap L to the other Flap L, Flap M to the other Flap M, and Flap N to the other Flap N. The completed Dodecahedron Pi has a pi symbol for each of its twelve faces.


Photo 6. Completed Dodecahedron Pi, View 1


Photo 7. Completed Dodecahedron Pi, View 2


Photo 8. Completed Dodecahedron Pi, View 3


Photo 9. Completed Dodecahedron Pi, View 4


Another Example

Photo 10. Another Example Dodecahedron Pi, View 1

Photo 11. Another Example Dodecahedron Pi, View 2